eX-Machines for Evacuation Simulation

NetLogo is an excellent platform independent environment for modelling social and natural phenomena as multi-agent systems with a great number of agents. The NetLogo platform was developed by Uri Wilensky in 1999 and is under continuous development at the CCL.  

Although the platform offers support for reactive agent systems, modelling more complex agents is somewhat hard. The eX-Machine DSL tries to extend NetLogo by providing a domain specific language to facilitate encoding and execution of agents (turtles) using emotion X-machines. The DSL works with NetLogo version 5.0 and above, since it heavily depends on the notion of Tasks.

eX-Machine DSL Code and Manual

(The manual will be available soon)

Evacuation Simulation Scenario

All the necessary files for running the evacuagtion simulation scenario are included in a zip file. Simply download, unzip and run in NetLogo vesrion 5 and above.

The scenario is described in the ICAART 2014 paper found below.

Simulation in Action

An application of Emotion X-machines to an evacuation scenario. The office floor contains 1000 people. Agents shown in yellow, are disoriented due to a high stress emotional state.

In this simulation the office floor contains 1000 people and two exits. Agents shown in yellow, are disoriented due to a high stress emotional state.

In this simulation, the office floor contains 600 people, among which there are 20 parents and two exits. Agents shown in yellow, are disoriented due to a high stress emotional state.

Relevant Publications

(In case you have used and want to refer to the work presented above)

  1. Ilias Sakellariou, Petros Kefalas and Ioanna Stamatopoulou " Evacuation Simulation through Formal Emotional Agent Based Modelling", in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014), Angers France, March 2014.

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For further questions, comments, suggestions, bug reports etc. please contact: Ilias Sakellariou