Ernest is an environmentally agnostic and intrinsically motivated agent, that learns autonomously through experience. This page demonstrates the principles of such a learning procedure proposed by Olivier Georgeon , through a NetLogo implementation of version 8 of Ernest.
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view/download model file: Ernest_V6b.nlogo
This model demonstrates an agent that is environmentally agnostic and intrinsically motivated. Environmentally agnostic means that the agent's decisional process was implemented with no preconception of the environment. There is not even any parameter specifying that the agent operates in a two dimensional space.Intrinsically motivated means that the agent's decisional process was implemented with no preconception of a specific task or a specific strategy to perform. Instead, the agent follows intrinsic drives.
The nuance between a predefined task and intrinsic drives is subtle. This models seeks to clarify this nuance.
The agent has predefined possibilities of interaction with the environment.
On each step, the agent can choose between three primitive actions: move one step forward, turn 90 degrees to the right, or turn 90 degrees to the left.
Primitive actions result in primitive feedback: bump into a wall, target appears in visual field, target enlarges in visual field (got closer), target disappears from visual field (each eye has a 90 degree visual span).
Primitive actions associated with primitive feedback are called primitive interactions. Primitive interactions have values that you can predefine.
The agent's algorithm tries to perfom primitive interactions with high values and to avoid primitive interactions with negative values. You can, therefore, understand these values as the agent's likeness (positive values) or dislike (negative values) of each primitive interaction.
In fact, the model provides an ouput window that shows the interactions enacted by the agent and the satisfaction it received by performing these in the environment.
(Notice that the Diagonal Behavior button and the Tangential Behavior button reset the values to default. This shows that "twin" agents (agents with identical inborn parameters) that have different experiences during their "youth" will behave differently when they are "grown up". Also, this demonstrates that the strategies are not pre-encoded in the agent but learned).
Try to generate new behaviors by giving different values to interactions. For example, try to make an agent that moves away from targets.
This model implements the IMOS extension (Intrinsic Motivation System).
There is no related NetLogo model that we would be aware of.
This model was implemented by Ilias Sakellariou (University of Macedonia, Greece), using the IMOS NetLogo extension implemented by Olivier Georgeon (Universite de Lyon / CNRS, France).
The code is available in Ernest_V6b.nlogo. Any questions regarding the model or the IMOS extension can be sent to Olivier Georgeon (olivier.georgeon at or Ilias Sakellariou (iliass at