Extending NetLogo with BDI and FIPA ACL Support

NetLogo is an excellent platform independent environment for modelling social and natural phenomena as multi-agent systems with a great number of agents. The NetLogo platform was developed by Uri Wilensky in 1999 and is under continuous development at the CCL.  

Although the platform offers support for reactive agent systems, modelling BDI agents and explicit symbolic message exchange is not supported. Thus, we have extended NetLogo with libraries to support both and used it for setting coursework in an Intelligent Agents unit. These extensions are shown below, together with some documentation:

Both libraries work with NetLogo versions 4.1 and 5. There will be an updated version of the libraries listed above soon, presenting new features.


Domestic Robot example, that is the famous example demonstrating the BDI architecture.

The Taxi scenario simulation, is a model practical coursework, that is described in the paper "MAS Coursework Design in NetLogo". The coursework includes as usual a reactive and a proactive model:


Using the above libraries we have set a number of coursework assignments:

Code is in NetLogo 4, but will be imported to NetLogo 5, with no problems.

Name Descriptions Code made Available to Students
Rescue Agents Practical #1 Description P1 Code
Practical #2 Description P2 Code
Forest Fires Practical #1 Description P1 Code
Practical #2 Description P2 Code

** Solutions are available on request by the authors.

People Involved

Relevant Publications

(In case you have used and want to refer to the work presented above)

  1. Ilias Sakellariou, Petros Kefalas and Ioanna Stamatopoulou, " Enhancing NetLogo to Simulate BDI Commuicating Agents", in Proceedings of 5th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SETN 08, J. Darzentas et al. (Eds.), LNAI 5138, Springer-Verlag pp. 263–275, Syros Greece, October 2-4, 2008 (pdf) (Springer On-line Version) (© Springer-Verlag)
  2. Ilias Sakellariou, Petros Kefalas and Ioanna Stamatopoulou, "Teaching Intelligent Agents using NetLogo", in Proceedings of the ACM-IFIP Informatics Education Europe III Conference, IEEIII 2008,  Venice, Italy, December 4-5, 2008 (pdf).
  3. Ilias Sakellariou, Petros Kefalas and Ioanna Stamatopoulou, "MAS Coursework Design in NetLogo", in Proceedings of the Educational Uses of Multi Agent Systems (EduMAS 09), Workshop of the Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 09), May 12, Budapest, Hungary, 2009. (pdf

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For further questions, comments, suggestions, bug reports etc. please contact: Ilias Sakellariou