- Karakostas P. and Sifaleras A., “Learning-assisted improvements in Adaptive Variable Neighborhood Search”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Elsevier, Vol. 94, Article ID 101887, 2025.

- Karakostas P. and Sifaleras A., "Modeling of sustainable integrated supply chains under the consideration of European Union regulations", to appear in Central European Journal of Operations Research, Springer, 2025.

- Tadaros M., Sifaleras A., and Migdalas A., "A variable neighborhood search approach for solving a real-world hierarchical multi-echelon vehicle routing problem involving HCT Vehicles", Computers & Operations Research, Elsevier, Vol. 165, Article ID 106594, 2024.

- Karakostas P. and Sifaleras A., "The pollution traveling salesman problem with refueling", Computers & Operations Research, Elsevier, Vol. 167, Article ID 106661, 2024.

- Souravlas S., Anastasiadou S., and Sifaleras A., "Mathematical modeling for further improving task scheduling on Big Data systems", Vol. 20, No. 1, Article ID 40, Computational Management Science, Springer, 2023.

- Sifaleras A., "In memory of Professor Nenad Mladenović (1951–2022)", Operations Research Forum, Springer, Vol. 4, No. 1, Article ID 6, 2023.

- Kalatzantonakis P., Sifaleras A., and Samaras N., "A reinforcement learning - variable neighborhood search method for the capacitated vehicle routing problem", Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, Vol. 213, Article ID 118812, 2023.

- Elidrissi A., Benmansour R., and Sifaleras A., "General variable neighborhood search for the parallel machine scheduling problem with two common servers", Optimization Letters, Springer, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 2201-2231, 2023.

- Karakostas P. and Sifaleras A., "A double-adaptive general variable
neighborhood search algorithm for the solution of
the traveling salesman problem", Applied
Soft Computing, Elsevier, Vol. 121, Article ID 108746,

- Sifaleras A., Karakalidis A., and Nikolaidis Y., “Shift scheduling in multi-item
production lines: A case study of a mineral water
bottling company”, International Journal of
Systems Science: Operations & Logistics,
Taylor & Francis Publications, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.
75-86, 2022.

- Antoniadis N., Cordy M., Sifaleras A., and Le Traon
Y., "A
variable neighborhood search simheuristic algorithm
for reliability optimization of smart grids under
uncertainty", International Transactions in
Operational Research, John Wiley & Sons
Ltd, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 2172-2200, 2022.

- Karakostas P., Sifaleras A., and Georgiadis M. C.,
"Variable neighborhood search-based
solution methods for the pollution
location-inventory-routing problem", Optimization
Letters, Springer, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 211-235,

- Kamanas P., Sifaleras A., and Samaras N., "Slot machine RTP optimization using
variable neighborhood search", Mathematical
Problems in Engineering, Hindawi, Vol. 2021,
Article ID 8784065, 2021.

- Souravlas S., Sifaleras A., Tsintogianni M., and
Katsavounis S., "A classification of community
detection methods in social networks: A survey",
International Journal of General Systems,
Taylor & Francis Publications, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp.
63-91, 2021.

- Karakostas P., Sifaleras A., and Georgiadis M. C., "Adaptive
variable neighborhood search solution methods for
the fleet size and mix pollution
location-inventory-routing problem", Expert
Systems with Applications, Elsevier Ltd., Vol.
153, Article ID 113444, 2020.

- Kalatzantonakis P., Sifaleras A., and Samaras N., "Cooperative versus non-cooperative
parallel variable neighborhood search strategies: a
case study on the capacitated vehicle routing
problem", Journal of Global Optimization,
Springer, Vol. 78, No. 2, pp. 327-348, 2020.

- Petridis K., Arabatzis G., and Sifaleras A., "Mathematical optimization models
for fuelwood production", Annals of
Operations Research, Springer, Vol. 294, pp.
59–74, 2020.

- Souravlas S., Sifaleras A., and Katsavounis S., "Hybrid
CPU-GPU community detection in weighted networks",
IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 57527-57551, 2020.

- Karakostas P., Sifaleras A., and Georgiadis M. C., "A general variable neighborhood
search-based solution approach for the
location-inventory-routing problem with distribution
outsourcing", Computers & Chemical
Engineering, Elsevier Ltd., Vol. 126, pp.
263-279, 2019.

- Voulgaropoulou S., Samaras N., and Sifaleras A., "Computational
complexity of the Exterior Point Simplex Algorithm",
Operational Research. An International Journal,
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp,
297-316, 2019.

- Souravlas S., Sifaleras A., and Katsavounis S., "A
parallel algorithm for community detection in social
networks, based on path analysis and threaded binary
trees", IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No. 1,
pp. 20499-20519, 2019.

- Souravlas S. and Sifaleras A., "Trends in data replication
strategies: A survey", International
Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed
Systems, Taylor & Francis Publications,
Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 222-239, 2019.

- Roussou I., Stiakakis E., and Sifaleras A., "An empirical study on the commercial
adoption of digital currencies", Information
Systems and e-Business Management, Springer,
Vol. 17, pp. 223–259, 2019.

- Souravlas S. and Sifaleras A., "Efficient community-based data
distribution over multicast trees", IEEE
Transactions on Computational Social Systems,
Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 229-243, 2018.

- Souravlas S., Sifaleras A., and Katsavounis S., "A
novel, interdisciplinary, approach for community
detection based on remote file requests", IEEE
Access, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 68415-68428, 2018.

- Marinakis Y., Migdalas A., and Sifaleras A., "A hybrid particle swarm optimization
- variable neighborhood search algorithm for
constrained shortest path problems", European
Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 261, No.
3, pp. 819-834, Elsevier Ltd., 2017.

- Sifaleras A. and Konstantaras I., "Variable neighborhood descent
heuristic for solving reverse logistics multi-item
dynamic lot-sizing problems", Computers
& Operations Research, Elsevier Ltd., Vol.
78, pp. 385-392, 2017.

- Cunha J. Ο., Konstantaras I., Melo R. Α., and
Sifaleras A., "On multi-item economic lot-sizing
with remanufacturing and uncapacitated production",
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier
Ltd., Vol. 50, pp. 772-780, 2017.

- Souravlas S. and Sifaleras A., "Binary-tree based estimation of file
requests for efficient data replication", IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 1839-1852, 2017.

- Antoniadis N. and Sifaleras A., "A hybrid CPU-GPU parallelization
scheme of variable neighborhood search for inventory
optimization problems", Electronic Notes in
Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., Vol. 58,
pp. 47-54, 2017.

- Sifaleras A., Konstantaras I., and Mladenović N., "Variable neighborhood search for the
economic lot sizing problem with product returns and
recovery", International Journal of
Production Economics, Elsevier Ltd., Vol. 160,
pp. 133-143, 2015.

- Paparrizos K., Samaras N., and Sifaleras A., "Exterior Point Simplex-type
Algorithms for Linear and Network Optimization
Problems", Annals of Operations Research,
Springer US, Vol. 229, No. 1, pp. 607-633, 2015.

- Sifaleras A. and Konstantaras I., "General variable neighborhood search
for the multi-product dynamic lot sizing problem in
closed-loop supply chain", Electronic Notes
in Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier B.V., Vol.
47, pp. 69-76, 2015.

- Psannis K.E., Xinogalos S., and Sifaleras A., "Convergence of Internet of Things
and Mobile Cloud Computing", Systems
Science & Control Engineering, Taylor &
Francis Publications, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 476-483,

- Sifaleras A., "Minimum cost network flows:
Problems, algorithms, and software", Yugoslav
Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 23, No. 1,
pp. 3-17, 2013.

- Lazaridis V., Samaras N., and Sifaleras A., "An empirical study on factors
influencing the effectiveness of algorithm
visualization", Computer Applications in
Engineering Education, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.,
Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 410-420, 2013.

- Geranis G. and Sifaleras A., "Dynamic trees in exterior-point
Simplex-type algorithms for network flow problems",
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,
Elsevier B.V., Vol. 41, pp. 93-100, 2013.

- Stiakakis E. and Sifaleras A., "Combining the Priority Rankings of
DEA and AHP Methodologies: A Case Study on an ICT
Industry", International Journal of Data
Analysis Techniques and Strategies,
Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.
101-114, 2013.
- Geranis G., Paparrizos K., and Sifaleras A., "On a dual network exterior point
simplex type algorithm and its computational
behavior", RAIRO - Operations Research,
EDP Sciences, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 211-234, 2012.

- Papamanthou Ch., Paparrizos K., Samaras N., and
Sifaleras A., "On the initialization methods of an
exterior point algorithm for the assignment problem",
International Journal of Computer Mathematics,
Taylor & Francis Publications, Vol. 87, No. 8, pp.
1831-1846, 2010.

- Voudouris K., Polemio M., Kazakis N., and Sifaleras
A., "An agricultural decision support
system for optimal land use regarding groundwater
vulnerability", International Journal of
Information Systems and Social Change, IGI
Global, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 66-79, 2010.

- Paparrizos
K., Samaras N., and Sifaleras A., "An exterior Simplex type
algorithm for the minimum cost network flow
problem", Computers & Operations
Research, Elsevier Ltd., Vol. 36, No.
4, pp.1176-1190, 2009.

- Baloukas Th., Paparrizos K., and Sifaleras A., "An Animated Demonstration of the
Uncapacitated Network Simplex Algorithm", INFORMS
Transactions on Education, INFORMS, Vol. 10,
No. 1, pp. 34-40, 2009.

- Geranis G., Paparrizos K., and Sifaleras A., "A dual exterior point simplex type
algorithm for the minimum cost network flow problem",
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, Vol.
19, No. 1, pp. 157-170, 2009.
- Samaras N., Sifaleras A., and Triantafyllidis C., "A
primal - dual exterior point algorithm for linear
programming problems", Yugoslav Journal of
Operations Research, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp.
123-132, 2009.

- Andreou D., Paparrizos K., Samaras N., and Sifaleras
A., "Visualization
software of the network exterior primal simplex
algorithm for the minimum cost network flow problem",
Operational Research. An International Journal,
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp.
449-464, 2007.

- Lazaridis V,
Paparrizos K., Samaras N., and Sifaleras A., "Visual LinProg: A Web-based
Educational Software for Linear Programming",
Computer Applications in Engineering
Education, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Vol. 15,
No. 1, pp. 1-14, 2007.

- Karagiannis P., Markelis I., Paparrizos K., Samaras
N., and Sifaleras A., "E
- learning technologies: employing matlab web server
to facilitate the education of mathematical
programming", International
Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and
Technology, Taylor & Francis Publications,
Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 765-782, 2006.

- Andreou D., Paparrizos K., Samaras N., and Sifaleras
A., "Application of a New Network -
enabled Solver for the Assignment Problem in
Computer - aided Education",
Journal of Computer Science, Science
Publications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 19-23, 2005.
